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In Pursuit of Health

Medical Services & Procedures

Monitored Anesthesia Care

Helping You Get Healthy

Satisfaction, Safety, and Access to CareDDSleep allows you to provide dental care to anesthetized patients in your office, eliminating surgery center fees and travel time. You will find yourself working more efficiently, saving your patients time and money while increasing your patient flow, even in comparison to many other sedation techniques. We help you provide a level of care that your patients will be telling their friends about for years to come.You can sit down and work, not having to ever adjust the throat drape, lift the chin or even administer local anesthesia. Your stress level and chair time will notably decrease with DDSleep.DDSleep is unique in that we allow your patients to control how they go to sleep. We offer induction by mask, I.V., I.M., oral or a combination of these techniques. By offering this choice, you empower your patients and they are more likely to be confident in accepting your care.You can tell your patients that Dr. Croft employs state- of-the-art equipment, striving for the highest standard of care and adhering to ASA monitoring guidelines used in hospitals and surgery centers. Dr. Croft personally recovers each and every patient within minutes of your care, ensuring safe and comfortable recoveries and timely home discharges.

Epidural Administration

Taking Care of You

Anesthesia for Your PatientsAlthough most patients are used to having their dental work done without sedation, there are many who benefit from some extra TLC. DDSleep can help you be the dentist who finally is able to treat them when no one else could. Patients who benefit from DDSleep’s Services include those with:Adding sedation/anesthesia to your treatment plans will increase treatment plan acceptance and enable you to truly work across the full scope of your practice.-Anxiety/Nervousness-Special Needs-Sensitive gag reflexes-Low pain thresholds-Large treatment plans-Preference to not remember the procedure -Previous unsuccessful management attemptsHaving a practitioner who regularly provides all levels of sedation and airway management techniques is important as patients frequently pass from one level of sedation to another.We customize our anesthetics to your patients, increasing their comfort and satisfaction with your excellent dental care. From mask inductions to antiemetics to avoidance of local anesthesia, you and your patients can create a unique anesthetic each and every time.Your patients have their own unique needs, and Dr. Croft is prepared to meed those needs. DDSleep offers your patients the following:Light Sedation-Patients Anxieties are relieved, but are able to respond and communicate well. Under light sedation patients will have varying degrees of amnesia, patient movement is common.Moderate Sedation-Patients are notably more sedated, and much more amnestic. Often they have no recall of the procedure and patient movement is common.Deep Sedation-Patients are unconscious, amnestic and patient movement is rare.

Pain Management

The Care You Deserve

Anesthesia and Your PracticeDDSleep days aren’t a “typical day at the office” for your staff and we are honored that you would work with us. We want to keep your office productive and comfortable and for your day to go smoothly.Dr. Croft is a dentist himselfand understands the nuancesand complexities of dentalcare; from the attention todetail to the time-sensitivenature of procedures to themanagement of the varyingpersonalities that come alongwith each patient. He hasspent years fine-tuninganesthetic techniques thatfacilitate your dentistry. For example, you can sit down and work uninterrupted, without administering or waiting for local anesthetic. You won’t ever need to interrupt care to support the chin or change throat packs during the procedure. Through these and many other elements, DDSleep enhances your efficiency, turnover, and treatment plan acceptance. We take every effort to ensure your patients are ready for discharge within minutes of when you finish, free of post-operative numbness, pain or nausea.

801-477-5337 (phone)

801-839-5337 (fax)

P.O. Box 522354, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84152

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