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What Patients Are Saying

“My 8 year old son needed some dental work done, and since he has Down Syndrome, Autism and Diabetes 1 he needed to be put down for that, but because all his health issues, we kew he was high risk. The dentist wanted to do it at the hospital since it was safer for him, but since our deductible is too high, we were looking for another option that it was still safe for him, but less costly for us. That's when we heard about Dr. Croft, with DDSleep. Since the first time I spoke with him on the phone, he made me feel at ease about his part in the procedure. He explain to me in detail what it would happen, all his experience dealing with special cases like mine, and how prepared he was with all the necessary equipment (Same as the one you would find at the hospital). He made sure I had an evaluation with my son's pediatrician to make sure there weren't any unecessary risks, and he called me to make sure I understood the instructions and was ready for the procedure the night before. Actually we talked several times on the phone, and he was always available when I had questions. The whole experience was really smooth for my son, he fell asleep without crying, and he woke up in my arms. It was a good, safe experience for him as it was for us. And Dr. Croft even took care of the necessary paper work for our insurance! If my son happens to need general anesthecia again, I know for sure whom I trusting again with my son's precious life! We had the security and confidence of a hospital room, without the overhead cost!”

Victoria C. 4/2013

Mi hijo de 8 años necesitaba que le arreglaran unas muelas, pero como tiene Síndrome de Down, Autismo y Diabetes tipo 1 el necesitaba tener anestecia general para el procedimiento, pero debido a todas sus caracteristicas físicas sabíamos que significaba un alto riesgo para el. El dentista quería hacerlo en el hospital ya que sería mas seguro para él, pero ya que nuestro deducible es muy alto, quisimos buscar por otra opcion que fuera igual de segura para él, pero menos cara. Entonces escuchamos del Dr. Croft con DDSleep. Desde la primera vez que hablé con él por telefono, me hizo sentir segura de lo que él haría. Me explico en detalle como pondría a dormir a mi hijo, y ademas menciono su experiencia con casos especiales como el mío, y todo su conocimiento, preparacion, y cómo cuenta con el equipo necesario para hacer ese tipo de intervencion sin ningun problema. El se aseguro de que llevara a mi hijo con el pediatra para que tuviera una evaluacion medica, y estar seguros de que no había algo que representara un riesgo para él. Me hablo tambien la noche anterior para estar seguro de que yo había entendido las instrucciones que el me mando y por si tenía alguna pregunta, de hecho me comunique con el varias veces y él siempre estuvo disponible para contestar mis preguntas. La experiencia fue muy tranquila para mi hijo. El se durmio sin llorar, y desperto en mis brazos. Fue una experiencia segura para él, como lo fue para nosotros. Y hasta el Dr. Croft se hizo cargo de llenar el papeleo que nosotros necesitaríamos mandar a la aseguranza medica! Si mi hijo llegara a necesitar anestecia general otra vez, yo sé en quien confiaría la vida de mi pequeño nuevamente! Tuvimos la seguridad que un hospital representa, sin el costo extra!

Victoria C. 4/2013

“Dr. Croft was kind enough to offer his anesthetic services to my 3 year old daughter in order for dental procedures to be performed. She had had a very traumatic dental experience and I was worried she would be scared and uncooperative upon arrival. Dr. Croft was so gentle and friendly to my daughter and instantly put her at ease. He talked to her and asked her questions, which effectively distracted her from her fears of being at the Dentist's office again. He was very professional and promptly returned any phone calls or emails that I sent to him with questions about the procedure. I enjoyed working with him and would highly recommend him to anyone whose child needs dental anesthesia. And I will be sending a Thank-you email to (the dental surgeon's office). Again, THANK-YOU so much for your help with Gracie. I really appreciate it and your generosity was much needed, especially at this time of year. It was an answer to prayer, truly.”

Andrea S. 2/2013

Hi Dr. Croft, I felt very well cared for through the procedure. Prior to the procedure you answered all my questions clearly and addressed all my concerns. This helped ease my anxiety going into the procedure. I am completely satisfied with the service you provided. Thanks

Karl S. 2/2013

"Dr Croft,I wanted to write and thank you for coming up to our office the other Wednesday. You have some great services to offer to my patients and I was happy to be able to have the opportunity to work with you.

I talked with both (the patient and her husband) and they said that the patient had never felt so completely relaxed in his life. The patient was surprised at how thorough the anesthesia was and he says that he remembers taking half a breath from the oxygen mask and then the next thing he remembers was being helped into the wheel chair...The first time that I did a IM sedation for the patient, he went home after the appointment and he fell asleep for four hours and that the effects of the medication had worn off by then, but he didn’t sleep very well that night due to the fact that he had slept most of the day. [This was a far cry from his experience in being treated by you where] he was able to go to sleep that night.

Paul H. DDS 6/2013

You’ve Got Questions - I’ve Got Answers

FAQs - Dentists

Why Dr. Croft?

If your patients aren't happier, your office doesn't run smoother, and you aren't more efficient with your chairtime and procution when Dr. Croft is working in your office, you shouldn't be working with him. When patients are offered Dr. Croft's services they are happier, they accept more ideal dental treatment plans, and their overall satisfaciton with your office goes up. The question has become less and less a matter of “why should we work with dr. croft” and more and more “why aren't we working with dr. croft more often?”

Is sedation really that valuable?

Around 100 years ago the dentist Edgar “Painless” Parker was considered a fringe dentist who championed patient advocacy, increased access to care, and routine use of local anesthesia. In actuality he offered dentistry something that was very much needed and which was way ahead of its time.

If you have ever speculated about what is dentistry's "next big thing," the answer might be simpler than you'd think. The ADA has officially stated that "the administration of local anesthesia, sedation and general anesthesia is an integral part of dental practice.” The question I you should ask yourself is “Are sedation and general anesthesia integral parts of MY practice?” If not, what are your patients missing? How is your patient care suffering? Is doing what has always "worked"mean it works as well as it could?

How can DDSleep affect your patients, your practice and your production?

If you ask a physician if they do their own sedations they usually just laugh. To them its a no-bainer. Their patient care, their efficiency, their chair time, their patient satisfaction, their risk, their referral base, and so many other areas benefit so dramatically from appropriately administered sedaitons and anesthetics by appropriately trained providers that they have realized its just not worth it.

If offices weren't more efficient, if patients weren't happier, if referrals didn't increase and doctors weren't able to produce more on days when Dr. Croft was working along side them then he would be out of a job.

Will My Patients Accept Dr. Croft's Care?

When a patient is presented the option of being treated by Dr. Croft they typically (1) accept your dentistry along with Dr. Croft's sedation care or (2) they decline the sedation care and elect to have you treat them with local anesthesia. If the patient understands the value of your dentistry, they'll have you do it, with or without sedation.

What about Insurance?

Sedations provided by Dr. Croft can be covered by either medical or dental insurance. Dr. Croft is also recognized by his NPI number as both a dentist and an anesthesiologist. As such, submissions for medical and/or dental coverage of his sedation/anesthesia care are often approved, sometimes to 100% of the fee.

What must my office do in order to work with DDSleep?

Your staff are busy, they have enough to do. Once your staff has coordinated with Dr. Croft's office a day for treatment, we take it from there and you can focus on dentistry. We deliver and collect all our own paperwork, we submit for our own preapprovals, we collect our own deposits, we submit for our own reimbursements, We feel the best way for our office to work with yours is if we can do everything possible to minimimize the burdeon on your office staff.

What about liability?

Dr. Croft is a dentist. His licensure to practice is regulated the Dentist practice act. When he provides sedation in his office, he is practicing dentistry. As such, there is little question as to who is responsible for the sedaiton and who is responsible for the surgery. There is no question about whether you are the attending doctor in the care team, who is responsible for the monitors or whether the level of care provided is to a certain level or not.

Who else is qualified to provide sedaiton for dentistry?

With the exception of Oral Surgeons, less than 1% of Utah's dentists are actually licenced to put you to sleep. Without having completed a year of a residency devoted entirely to dental anesthesiology, they can only be licensed to provide mild/moderate sedations, which result in nothing more than a slight alterations in your normal consciousness. When more is needed, they must either work around inadequate sedation, reschedule your care, or deepen your sedation beyond the limits of their licensure and ability to provide. When “sleep dentistry” is indicated, these dentists legally must bring in a sepparate individual who is licenced to provide deep sedation and general anesthesia.

What should I look for in a sedation provider?

Dentists have a wide range of choices in sedation providers. Although attempting to find a low prices to keep fees low for patients works when looking for toilet paper or give-away toothbrushes, sedation and anesthesia are a different story. Sedation and anesthesia are the most difficult and intensive procedures your patients will get in your office, and there are some things that just can't be compromised while trying to reduce costs. DDSleep keeps costs as low as possible while not cutting corners in areas others might need to in order to be competitive.

Why do so many think DDSleep is the best?

Dr. Croft has the equipment, training, background, certifications and qualifications that are ideal for all levels of sedation particularly in the dental setting. Dr. Croft offers truly needle-less inductions to anesthesia, so you don't even need to see a needle. Dr. Croft routinely provides sedation without the use of narcotics or hallucinogenics. Dr. Croft is trained to the current national standards. Dr. Croft is Utah's origional ADBA board certified dentist anesthesiologist in the state.

While there are a number of nurses, physicians and dentists who do provide sedation in the dental office, they don't typically share Dr. Croft's high standards of care which are akin to those found in hospitals and surgical centers. They don't typically carry the same equipment. They don't typically provide anesthetics without shots and needles. They don't typically adhere to the monitoring standards and recovery criteria.

Dr. Croft believes in providing his patients with care he would be comfortable recommending for his own family members, and that goes a long way.

801-477-5337 (phone)

801-839-5337 (fax)

P.O. Box 522354, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84152

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